PM Modi’s Paris Visit: Strengthening Ties and Fostering Alliances

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h6vk87oc narendra modi france


PM Narendra Modi is in Paris on a two-day visit and will be the Guest of Honour on Bastille Day.

New Delhi:

The two-day trip to Paris by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks to strengthen strategic ties with France and finalise important defence agreements. PM Modi’s attendance at the Bastille Day festivities as the Guest of Honour represents an important turning point in the bilateral relationship.

1. PM Modi’s visit focuses on strengthening India-France ties across various domains, including defence, space, infrastructure, and culture. It coincides with the 25th anniversary of the India-France Strategic Partnership, highlighting the new heights reached in the relationship.

2. PM Modi met President of the Senate Gerrad Larcher and French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, emphasizing the commitment to enhancing bilateral ties.

3. PM Modi addressed the Indian community at La Seine Musicale and attended a private dinner hosted by the French President.

4. Bilateral talks will cover cooperation in security, technology, counterterrorism, cybersecurity, climate change, and space. The visit concludes with a grand state banquet at the Louvre Museum.

5. PM Modi expressed his intention to hold comprehensive discussions with President Emmanuel Macron to strengthen the partnership further. Cooperation spans defence, space, civil nuclear, blue economy, trade, investment, education, culture, and people-to-people ties.

6. Anticipated announcements include the acquisition of 26 Rafale jets and three Scorpene submarines. The Defence Acquisition Committee has approved the process, with negotiations expected.

7. Bastille Day celebrations commemorate the 1789 storming of the French prison, marking the French Revolution’s beginning.

8. The Indian tri-services will march alongside their French counterparts at the grand parade, reflecting the enduring alliance between the armies.

9. France has been a long-standing ally, refraining from imposing sanctions after India’s nuclear tests in 1998. India has replaced its aging Russian fleet with French Mirages, Rafales, and Scorpenes.

10. PM Modi will visit the United Arab Emirates following his visit to France, meeting President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, further strengthening regional ties.

PM Modi’s Paris visit demonstrates a resolute determination to forge alliances, elevate diplomatic ties, and create a prosperous and secure future for India and France.

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